Channel: Jimmy Dunnachie - Early Day Motions
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Waterloo Cup (No. 2)

Jimmy Dunnachie has signed EDM582. Motion reads: "That this House notes with disgust that the end of February marks the Waterloo Cup hare coursing finals, despite the fact that 20 years ago this House voted by a large majority for the abolition of hare coursing only to see supporters of bloodsports block the Bill in another place; is equally disgusted that the Waterloo Cup event continues to take place more than 40 years after the Government Committee of Enquiry into Cruelty to Wild Animals (Scott-Henderson Committee) condemned the event as cruel; is outraged that this persecution of hares continues despite the recent announcement by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee that the United Kingdom hare population has declined by 80 per cent during this century; and calls upon Her Majesty's Government to introduce legislation for a greater protection of hares, including an opportunity for a free vote of this House on a bill to outlaw hare coursing."

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